Question: How to get the file extension?

var file1 = '50.xsl';
var file2 = '30.doc';
getFileExtension(file1); //returs xsl
getFileExtension(file2); //returs doc

function getFileExtension(filename) {

Solution 1: Regular Expression

function getFileExtension1(filename) {
    return /[.]/.exec(filename) ? /[^.]+$/.exec(filename)[0] : undefined;

Solution 2: String split method

function getFileExtension2(filename) {
    return filename.split('.').pop();

Those two solutions couldnot handle some edge cases, here is another more robust solution.

Solution3: String slice, lastIndexOf methods

function getFileExtension3(filename) {
    return filename.slice(((filename.lastIndexOf('.') - 1) >>> 0) + 2);

console.log(getFileExtension3('')); // ''
console.log(getFileExtension3('filename')); // ''
console.log(getFileExtension3('filename.txt')); // 'txt'
console.log(getFileExtension3('.hiddenfile')); // ''
console.log(getFileExtension3('filename.with.many.dots.ext')); // 'ext'

How does it works?

  • String.lastIndexOf() method returns the last occurrence of the specified value ('.' in this case). Returns -1 if the value is not found.
  • The return values of lastIndexOf for parameter 'filename' and '.hiddenfile' are -1 and 0 respectively. Zero-fill right shift operator (>>>) will transform -1 to 4294967295 and -2 to 4294967294, here is one trick to insure the filename unchanged in those edge cases.
  • String.prototype.slice() extracts file extension from the index that was calculated above. If the index is more than the length of the filename, the result is "".


Solution 1: Regular Expression''
Solution 2: String split''
Solution 3: String slice, lastIndexOf''

Live Demo and Performance

Here is the live demo of the above codes.

Here is the performance test of those 3 solutions.